
Amozalea English Section

Lets's discuss a problem together, open for people over The World

Amozalea Photograph

See an amazing shot by using Samsung Galaxy Ace device in my gallery.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

17 Juli, 2009

flv player

hmm,..kalian pasti kalo mau download video diinternet pasti kebanyakan uploader menyediakan dengan format flv
kalian ga usah bingung buat nyari-nyari dengan format avi,wmv,mp4 ato dll
malah susah atau ga ketemu lagi
mending download dulu nih Flv player,biar kalian nanti bisa nonton film dengan format flv

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Yahoo! Messenger 9.0

wah yahoo messenger mengeluarkan versi terbaru yang ke9.0
apa kecanggihan yang ditambahkan diyahoo!
ga usah banyak tanya?langsung aja download

download disini

About Amozalea Blog

First, i said thanks to everyone who spend their little time to visit my blog that full of dust thing :) and for you who have click this section. now i tell a short story about me and this blog.

Strating to made this blog on 2009, it's when im on 7th grade when people on my age in my country busy playing online game while im try for the first time to make this blog named to sharing pirate software to everyone by copying from another site just for commercial (sorry for some blog, i steal your post). i was so excited for the  first time, like having a new toy and play it everyday.. but then day after day, i realize stealing someone post for your own good is wrong and the time has passed i leave blogging because busy with life as high-school. but after i graduate and try to open what i have done at the past, i see this blog again and i miss it spending a time to make my blog become commercial. but then i start to write everything i want on this blog by sharing an information, discuss, and software haha.. then i change the blog name up till now

Amozalea, every name have a meaning right? but not this one hahaha jk :P but seriously this name meaning have no connection with the blog. Amozalea came from latin which mean Amorous = Flower, and Azalea = Imortal. this name first time use for my guild name on one game online which full with meaningful people in there. but then we never see again, because we have been grown up and have been seperated so far. so i use this name to remain all good thing i have and because its look cool :))

and for my name, just call me Oddie, it's name from my imaginary character for a story that i never be done to write :) the full name is Oddie Ratzine which have a blonde hair, using a hoodie colored black and red and using a short. people always misunderstand about this name, people always said "it's like a dog on Garfield" or "is that a boy or a girl name?" but really this name is my only, so if anyone see Oddie Ratzine name when my story become famous. im the real one :))

PhotoScape v3.3

ini posting pertama gw ya?
ok gw mau kasih tau software buat edit photo namanya PHOTOSCAPE.
photoscape itu adalah software dimana kamu bisa edit photo kamu,tapi ga semax kaya Photoshop
cuma disini gw lebih nekanin ke pengedit yang blom bisa photoshop
(kea gw^^)

download disini

Internet Rulez!!

well, this is my first post using english which i use 2009 post that i will recycle. so dont panic seeing 2009 post but talking about what happened lately on 2013, its not time traveler blog LOL. Oh by the way f**k my english, im bad on it so be used with my wrong grammar.

So now on we will talking about Internet Rules that not written when you came here for the first time but people should know this.

Allright, this all inspired from what happened lately with Instagram Policy which say our photo will be commercial/will be sell by instagram, and ofcourse this announcement get many criticsm from all people, there are pros and cons, and then one of community which lately using instagram made a disscuscion about these policy too. and one member realize me for something. he say like this
       "you should know when you step on internet there are a rule 'Everything you have are us'"

thats not excatcly what he said, but the point is kind of like that, and yeah i guess he is right. why we so angry about these policy while we before this thing happened have follow this rule, like Downloading Music, Movie, or a Picture. well im not order people to stop downloading cause mine love to do it too :))

but the thing is if we look detail on these one we can look that, when we get broken link on download section we are mad and ASK TO GET MIRROR LINK WITH CAPS LOCK ON. and maybe if you upload your picture on internet (maybe on facebook, instagram or any place) you can look one of your pic become ads in some of adult site (especially girl) for pervert. we can't arguing this one whos fault is this, but we should know that, beware with what you upload. i know this is your busenisess, i know its your picture/file/privacy but i try to suggest to careful with what you did, when you enter the internet you have take a risk for everything done in here.

and there is another rule which still have connected wtih these one, it is People are SuperHero. huh what? superhero? what do you mean? yeah people on internet usually pretending to be a superhero/badguy and maybe have superpower, haha..

here what kind superpower internet user have:

1. Cloning
made a many account in social media or anything just for get more like or to win a prize or maybe for badguy use this for attack someone on their comment as "support member" if he/she loses a debate with someone 

2. Stalker
watching his crush account for a day knowing what he/she do today or who get close with him/her or maybe your mom looking at you like these

this one only who have talent in computer i guess which can hack the bank and take all the money to their account

why thats happened? because they use one way that "no one know who you are on internet" yeah thats tell everything, people can be like have a big courage on here, can do whatever they want on internet because maybe they are a nerd/loser/coward on real-life which can't face the world like this writer maybe haha.. but as long if you do these for a good reason. why not? there are a thousand way to be a good guy and no reason for helping people :))

thats for today and have a nice day, please give your comment about these topic :)

oh by the way there are a written internet rules that i just found, i dont know if this a gag or true but you can see it if you curious click here via urban dictionary