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16 Januari, 2013

Why People do Ilegal Downloading/Piracy ?

today, i will discuss the reason why people do illegal download or pirating something from my point of view ofcourse. 

Piracy is wrong you know? it's not support our favourite artist with their artwork, it's only ruin everything they done.Imagine if you are an artist who try to career and try sell your artwork but someone do piracy and sell with cheaper price, how do you feel?. but then again im one of people who used to downloading/piracy a movie or a song.

Why? everything and everyone have a reason for do something, and same thing like this. we have a reason why to do that, but maybe there are some weird reason that can't explained. allright here we go to the list:
  1. Hard to Get - it will be good if something we want are available on local store on every country, but no. Many of them only availabe on big country such as USA, UK, Japan, South Korea etc. which for us who live on unfamous country for selling something arent available
  2. Expensive - yeah!! this one maybe a big reason of piracy, not every country have an amount in US Dollar isnt? when we convereted our local money to dollar the gaps is so far uhmm or maybe for example 100.000.000 Zimbabwe Dollars mean only 1 US Dollar
  3. Sharing is Caring - like on my previous post said that, once you on internet, you should sharing what you have. You own a music? share with us? you own a new movie? share with us. and people on internet always waiting for someone to upload and share the link
  4. Limited Edition - this usually happened for Asia Brand things shown up like a movie, a bag or something that only shown on their own country and not shown on another country. I guess it their way of marketing to get tourism to come to their country, very clever. and for some people who can't get limited edition of something like a game, music, or movie from Pre-Order day wanting to get it to know what is the different from the casual edition and the exclusive one. 
  5. Pay Attention - not only a girl who want a attention, i guess some uploader of music or movie are try to get a attention from internet and become a internet well-known as a good guy uploader.
before i ended up my blog post, let you all see Top Ten Countries with Highest Video Piracy based from

14 Januari, 2013

It's Made Us More Seperated With Everyone

hello, this is my second recycle post which will discuss a new topic again today. and now we will talk about the way Social Network do nowday, ok a short introduce if you people dont know what is Social Network. its a site like facebook, twitter, g+ or anything else which make use connected with people

Allright, did you remember the time when we using Yahoo Mesengger!, Friendster (which so popular on Asia) or Myspace (popular on Western) or MSN only those thing connect us to our friend back then. not so compilcated interface just click your friend name *if you have add them* write something and wait for reply, kinda like texting but its on internet, yeah there are so memorable thing doesnt?

aaand when facebook come everything changing, slowly people migrate to facebook and leave their old place, with facebook motto back then "connected with your old friend" and thats true, you meet your old friend which you can't get on friendster or myspace but you can meet now on facebook. Slowly friendster become bankrupt and myspace become like wasteland too, with many new feature that facebook give people more like it, and it the start of revolution of Social Network age, it make many developer made new social media such as Twitter, G+, and everything new. and made celllphone social media too which offer free texting and calling over the world. All of them give a same motto like facebook "connected with your friends" but its start make social media more complicated and make us more seperated with our friends!!, especially people who using a phone with Instant Messaging on it and they wont use text/SMS anymore. such as iMessage or Blackberry Messenger user. why technology made it become complicated while technology want us to become easier? oh maybe they try to find profit, of course people want a profit from what they do right?

i still cant find an answer for these one? anyone can give me your opinion about these?

10 Januari, 2013

Does Magic Exist?

hello people, now we will talking about magic. not like Magic that David Coperfield do, or any magician do. that's all just a trick, but! now what we will talking about is Magic that wizard do on mediaval time.that western believe on that time there are people called Wizard which can do impossible/unlogicable thing, like curing people from serious deasease by give them a spell, or fly using broomstick. Now did you ever wonder ? especially the one who have watch Harry Potter movie thinking about

                                "does magic really exist?" 
                               "is there any real life school that teaching magic?"

well my answer is Yes!
The school symbol of Grey School of Wizardy

There are a Real-Life wizard school in this world, which called Grey School of Wizardy which made by (someone who called himself as a Wizard) Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and its the only official wizard school in the world! and this school really familiar with Hogwarts on Harry Potter series, there are will be 4 place for you which will be decide by headmaster there are Winds, Undines, Gnomes, and Salamander and there are a subject like on Harry Potter that we will be teached a Dark Art to protect ourself, and some subject they will teach like Horse Wishper, How-to Create your own wand, Spell Casting etc. if you interesting to enter or more information go to their official site :D

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart the owner and Headmaster on Grey School of Wizardy

And for more proof that magic really exist, i will talk about this now. Magic really exist in real life ofcourse but maybe people known this as a traditional ritual thing. people now day, especially for they are who believe on sciene or logical thing, will call this thing are fantasy. but in the fact, on this modern age untill now there are many people still use magic, i dunno for sure the country on western continent who still use Magic, but many country on southeast asia believing on magic. like Thailand, Indonesia... especially Indonesia (ofcourse that's my own country), okay maybe you will bored talking this without something u except. let get to the point. here some Black Magic which use in here

  • Invincible : you know Wolvrine power? yeah something like that, if you get shoot, or stab even blood come out from your body. you can't feel pain
  • Instant Rich : have you play The Sims? using money cheat so you can buy everything you want? yeah here those thing really exist dude-
  • Get a Crush You Want : now you have a crush that you really wanted make them as ur couple, there. you can get it too
  • Zombie : now, for western people who always wondering if zombie exist, in here there are a place who can summon dead people to able to walk again from the death like The Walking Dead or something
The Walking Dead on Toraja, a ritual to replace someone graveyard

and many more! now after you look some list on there, maybe you wondering "the writer life maybe easy now" my answer is no! its cause every thing u do need a requirement, like some list. you need requirement like kill some one/animal, give a 7 kind of rare flower and ofcourse have side-effect. but relax there are White Magic too that i will discuss these later, you can get your own experience by come to Indonesia and find out :)

08 Januari, 2013

Sejarah Versi Android

nah sekarang gw bakal ngasih tau tentang OS android ini, tentang awal versi android muncul hingga yang terkini

Apple Pie 1.0

Android 1.0 apple pie dirilis pada tanggal 23 september 2008, di handphone HTC G1. tampilannya masih sederhana banget mengingat ini awal karir dari android. dan memiliki fitur seperti kamera, bluetooth, flash and HTML support. tapi ditambahin dengan market dan widgetnya yang jadi ciri khas android nanti

Banana Bread 1.1

nah muncul lagi kemudian Android 1.1 Banana bread atau banyak orang bilang "Petit Four" yang dirilis tanggal 9 Februari 2009 khusus di device HTC Dream. di versi terbarunya ini di beri tambahan-tambahan yang belum ada di versi sebelumnya seperti extended supports untuk Bluetooth A2DP, soft keyboard dengan text prediction (seperti auto-correct) dan juga sudah bisa menonton video di sini :D

Cupcake 1.5

dirilis pada tanggal 30 April 2009, versi cupcake ini sudah memiliki pembaruan yang banyak dan tambahan fitur seperti kemampuan merekam dan menonton video dengan modus kamera, dan juga membenahi tampilan.

Donut 1.6

dan masih di tahun yang sama dirilis kembali pada tanggal 29 September 2009 OS terbaru donut.Dalam versi ini sudah bisa melakukan sistem navigasi dalam map dan versi ini sudah mensupport screen size 800 X 400 WVGA. 
Eclair 2.0-2.1.x

yang satu ini dulu terkenal banget dan dengan variasi marketnya. android versi 2 yang di sebut eclairs dirilis pada tanggal 26 oktober 2009. banyak fitur tambahan dalam versi ini seperti sudah isupport HTML, Bluetooth 2.1 , pembaruan tampilan. sudah bisa menggunakan digital zoom, live wallpaper, peningkatan google maps 3.1.2 dan Microsoft exchange support. 
Froyo(Frozen Yogurt) 2.2

versi lain android 2.2 “Froyo” muncul pada tanggal 20 mei 2010. fitur ini mengubah pandangan dunia akan android. banyak hal menakjubkan ditambahkan di fitur ini seperti lebih cepat dalam menggunakan apps, bisa menggunakan USB, animated GIFs, mengizinkan menginstal aplikasi di external memory.dan juga support flash player 10.1.
Gingerbread 2.3.x

kalo versi ini yang sekarang kebanyakan kita pake di handphone LDPI-MDPI ato bahasa kasarnya hape murah :)) *padahal gw juga make* tanggal 6 Desember 2010, google membuat versi baru OS android, android 2.3 yang namanya gingerbread. ini bisa jadi versi yang bersejarah/berkenang di dalam android. screen sizenya udah support 1366×768 WXGA. banyak tambahan dalam versi ini, kayak improv kerja, pembenahan bug.versi ini juga sudah bisa melakukan video playback. dan versi ini menjadi saksi mata pertama akan penambaha fitur social network (seperti facebook, twitter, line dan lain2). fitur copy/paste juga sudah di benahi. Native Voip(menelpon menggunakan biaya internet) dan video call juga sudah bisa dilakukan disini

Honeycomb 3.x

versi ini dikhususkan untuk tablet dirilis pada tanggal 22 februari 2011, tidak banyak perbedaan dengan versi sebelumnya selain tampilan yang dikhususkan untuk tablet, support video call, pembenahan tampilan 3D, dan support juga dengan tambahan hardware lainnya seperti Mouse, atau Keyboard
Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.x

dirilis pada tanggal 19 oktober 2011, ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) menambahkan banyak fitur seperti sebelum-sebelumnya, namun fitur yang paling penting di versi ini ialah, face recognition atau mengenal wajah seseorang. dan memungkinkan menggunakan face lock untuk mengunci handphone, dan memiliki respond lebih cepat dibanding versi sebelumnya. sistem suara pengenal sudah di benahi, menulis dengan mengucapkan kata-katanya juga sudah lebih mudah, jika diversi sebelumnya membuka tab browser hanya bisa 4 tab maksimal di versi ini sudah bisa hingga 16 tab, widget juga sudah bisa kita resize
Jelly Bean 4.1-4.2.x

dirilis pertama kali pada tablet Nexus 7 tanggal 13 Juli 2012 kemarin, dalam versi tablet ini jelly bean menggunakan versi 4.1 sementara untuk handphone sendiri yang pertama kali dipasang di LG Nexus 4 dan Samsung Nexus 10 menggunakan versi 4.2, tidak banyak yang berbeda dari tampilan dengan os sebelumnya (ICS) namun disini sudah ditambahkan fitur Google Assistant layaknya SIRI pada iPhone, Smart Widget ketika kita ingin menambahkan widget, widget yang sebelumnya sudah terpasang dengan sendirinya memberi ruang kepada widget yang baru dan Google Now dimana pengguna akan diberikan informasi berupa kartu, bisa memberi informasi mengenai cuaca, tiket pesawat, skor pertandingan dan lain lain